Tuesday, January 2, 2007

2007 Goals

Well, since I am starting this blog on Jan 1st, I may as well list my goals.

I don't have goals for the whole year, but I do have them laid out for the first few months.

From Dec 9th/06, I turned a $750 stake into $2568.18ish. From that stake deal, I start 2007 with a $1000 on my own.

My goal is basically to turn that into as much as I can, while maintaining my grades in school. The school part will be hard, because I don't care about it, but meh.

Anyways, goals:

1) My first goal for 2007 is to turn that $1000 into $13,500 by April 30th.

Ideally, this will leave me with approximately the following:
  • $5000 Poker BR
  • $1000 to pay off my Visa
  • $1000 to pay of my friend (with a little leftover spending cash for me)
  • $1500 towards 1st and last for after school when I will need to get my own place
  • $2500 for 2nd semester tuition
  • $2500 for living expenses/savings (non-poker savings)

Ideally, I'd like to do this while getting AT LEAST 70% in each class I have, and at least getting a draft of my thesis done. I already blew the first semester, so I won't be graduating, so finishing my thesis isn't imperative, but it would be nice. I'll be 2.0 credits short of graduating, so pretty much an extra semester.

2) TP/MM from May 1st on...

Well, maybe. It really does depend on what happens in the first 4 months of the year. If I manage to complete the goal, which I don't think will be a problem if I can get the hours in, then TP/MM'ing won't be too hard.

A ton of it depends on my living situation as well, and right now, that is all up in the air. I had planned on moving to Toronto to room with my sister for a while, but if things keep going well with my gf, that may not be the best idea. This is pretty much why my goals are only really clear up until the end of school.

Hopefully this all works out.

I figure to complete this first part, I'll need to play somewhere between 15 and 20K hands/month. I think I can do it, although I'm also working a part time job (16 hours/week), so an extra 25-30 hours/week of poker will make me a busy guy, but its something that has got to be done, I think.

Anyways, I'm gonna cut this short, and get to bed. (lol, well, I'll blog the first day of 07 because it was huge)

GL to all in 2007.

- Zach


Anonymous said...

This is all gibberish to me. All I can say is:

1) You stay up late.
2) Mom's gonna read this poker blog. She asked me for the address.
3) Feb. 15th - gotta know if you're coming to T.O. or not
4) Jeebus I still don't understand this.
5) I've been up since 5am. I'm tired. wtf. Okay that's all I think.

- Sis.

Anonymous said...

p.s. it didnt show up but my website address was www.idonthaveonebutusedtohaveaspicegirlsonehahaha.com