Saturday, January 6, 2007

Short post - rollercoaster day

So, had a weird day today. I was gonna play on VC, but there was no full ring going, so I jumped in a 3/6 SH game. I quickly made about $100, and then Abbaddabba tells me about the 5/10 full on AP, so I figure I'll go there instead.

And whoooooooooo!!! Finally I posted a winning session at 5/10! I made a grand total of $13 over 348 hands! I was down like 240 at the table at one point though, so it was nice to get up, even if it's barely 1 BB.

I also had 3 tables of 3/6 and 2/4 going, and while I was up and down a ton there as well, I managed to eek out a profit of $31. Small, I know, but meh. I also cleared $20 in bonus.

After those tables tightened up, aim786 finally dragged me back to the SH games at VC. I played a few hundred hands amongst the worst gameplay I had ever seen.... EVER.

I'm talking SEVERAL 90/60s at the same table. I didn't know what to do. Adjusting from 5/10 full on AP to 3/6 SH with monkeys is somewhat of a challenge I've never had to do before. I didn't adjust well, or ran poorly, or something, and dropped as much as $130 before winning some pots and getting up about $5, and quitting. I decided to sleep on it, and figure out how to adjust. It takes some force to keep me from c-betting AK all the time, lol.

All in all, I got in 1,595 hands between AP and VC and earned $154.91 at the tables, cleared $20 in bonus on AP, and approximately $40 worth on VC, although the VC bonus releases as a lump some when I clear all the points.

Anywho, updated BR totals:

Absolute - $954.31
Victor Chandler - $1,118.64
TOTALS - $2072.95

(Reminder to myself for tomorrow - post AJd semibluff hand, and 68d battle with Abba)

Aight, bed time.

More grinding tomorrow, almost definitely the entire time from 3:00 to 9:00 PM. :)

- Zach

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