Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates...

For some reason, when I went back to IE6 from the new one (IE7), I can no longer get into my account. I don't get computers, so bleh.

I'm at school right now, and have to get to class, but anyways, I'll be back when I get this all figured out.

Running ok for the last week or so, clearing a ton of RB, but not too too much at the tables. Enough though.

Anyways, I'll update more when I can, and I'm also thinking about maybe writing some articles as blogs on some aspects of LHE, if I feel ambitions, anyways, or we see some interest.

Anywho. I hate class.



Anonymous said...

I had the same trouble when I installed IE7. My tech guy said that not very many programs are compatible with IE7 yet, but should be eventually.

He recommended that I go to the control panel, and open the add/remove hardware function, and uninstall IE7, which will automatically revert to IE6, which most programs, and I'm guessing your poker site, are still compatible with.

Or, you could get with the times and start using firefox. There is a plugin that lets you use firefox as IE, which I think would let you use your IE7 with your poker program.

There was a thread recently about it, but I don't remember who started it.

Good luck at the tables.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to add the :) after the third paragraph. It was implied.

